Parse CSV

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Parse CSV

The Parse CSV action is used to read a CSV file and populate or update a SharePoint list.


Parse CSV Action in designer custom action



CA Parse CSV


Action Name: Provide unique name for action

Execution Status: select this option to show or hide this custom action from user during execution.


General Settings:


Run for - Will set action to run for the Current item, run for a Query list item pulled from a previous Query List action, run for a Variable or run for loop item.


Get CSV data from - This action can pull information from the Attachments section in the item, or from another column in the item.

CSV Operation - Select an option from available option types

 add/update items in target list, 

 set CSV data in variable or 

 select 'Both' 


Select Target Site URL - seletc the site where the target list where the data will be mapped to resides.

Target List: select target list from above selected site


Item Column Value Settings - map the CSV column values to target list columns.



Map list columna nd function


CA parse csv column mapping


For more details on Parse CSV action, refer this link


Advanced Settings - For additional info on Advanced Settings, see this article.