NITRO™ Portal

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NITRO™ Portal

Benefits of a Portal

The NITRO Portal is an advanced and highly configurable portal that provides an engaging and secure interface for users to interact with our SharePoint applications. The Portal is a Site in the Site Collection. It consists of UI elements that display data and allow the end users to interact with one or more applications. The Portal site itself does not contain the application. Instead, it contains the forms and other UI elements that display and work with data from application Sites.  The forms and other elements of the Portal are connected to the data source (the application Site in SharePoint) after the Portal is created. The application Site(s) can be in either the same Site Collection or in a different Site Collection as the Portal.


Using the Portal, end users can interact with SharePoint applications with a friendly, engaging interface while also being isolated from accessing the application Site directly. This provides a secure way for end users to use the application.


NITRO Portal Info - and a reference to its previous iteration, "Power Portal"

The NITRO Portal was released in June 2020 and supersedes the previous version (the "Power Portal"), adding new features and more configuration options. If you are using the Power Portal, you can continue to use it, and it will continue to be supported. You can refer to the Power Portal section of this manual for more information. This section is about the NITRO Portal specifically.



If you don't yet have the NITRO Portal installed, follow this link for the instructions:


Two Versions -- Classic and Modern

There are two versions of the NITRO portal: Modern UI Portal (for M365 users) and Classic UI Portal (for M365 and on-premises users on SharePoint 2013 and above). Refer to the appropriate section of the manual for each version:


Classic UI Portal - For SharePoint on-premises customers (2013, 2016, 2019). Also, for M365 customers who prefer the Classic look.

Modern UI Portal - For M365 customers who prefer the Modern look -- this is the recommended choice for M365 installations. (Modern is not available for on-premises installations.)