General Settings

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General Settings


 General Settings is in the top part of the configuration screen.



 General Settings is accessed from the "Settings" link in the top ribbon.




General Settings


Here you will choose the display settings for your custom action including what to name it, what kind of button to use, and where and how the button gets displayed.




Title - Enter a unique title for this action

Tooltip Text - (Optional) Enter in a short description that shows when the user scrolls over the Action button

Icon - use the default icon shown or select an icon using Browse and Upload. NITRO can upload  .jpg and .png files as Custom Action icons and will generally shrink larger images if needed.

Form Sequence - sets the order of Custom Action buttons in the ribbon. The buttons will line up in ascending order from left to right depending on the Form Sequence number in each Custom Action.

ECB Sequence - this number acts in the same way as Form Sequence, but in the ECB (ECB = Edit Control Block, which shows up upon right-clicking the three dots next to a list item).



Show in - determines where the button will be shown

Click here to see how the Custom Actions display in each of the following areas:


Display Form Ribbon

Edit Control Block

Item Print Manager

List Ribbon (Items tab) -- note that this custom action can be enabled for multiple items. It will run on the items that are selected in the list view if the "Enable for multiple items" box is checked.




Confirmation Message, Continue on Error, Auto Close

