Advanced Approvals

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Advanced Approvals

Overview of Advanced Approvals App

1.Screen below shows options in the menu of the Advanced Approval Manager App


2.Details about Manage Approval Settings Page


Creating new Approval:

1.The + New Approval Settings button is used to create a new Approval.


2.From the Above Image

oGeneral Settings


"Title" Textbox is used to give name for Approval.
"Select List" Dropdown is used to select the source List on which we are going to process the Approvals.
Note:- Only one Approval can define for one list.

oConfigure Notifications
This Section is used to configure settings for notify users when item is Approved, Denied or Sent Back.


oBelow selected users will be notified when item is Approved, Denied or Sent Back:

"Select users in columns" listbox is used to select users from columns on current list.

"Email Id's" text box is used to provide email addresses manually.
Note:- need to select at least one user or enter one email address.

oMail template for approval status:

"Approved" dropdown is used to select mail template to send when an item is approved.

"Denied" dropdown is used to select mail template to send when an item is Denied.

"Sent Back" dropdown is used to select mail template to send when an item is Sent Back.

oSend mail from:

"From Address" textbox is used enter mail address from which mail will be sent.

oConfigure Approval Levels


Here Define one or more levels of Approvals. These will be processed in the sequence.

To define new approval level click on "+ New Approval Level"
Note:- Clicking on this button will save the Approval.

oNew Approval Level Settings

Click on "+ New Approval Level" to open below page


General Settings
"Level Name" Textbox is used to provide level name for Approval level.

Level Conditions
If below conditions are met, item undergoes approval process defined at this level. Otherwise, item is approved.

Define Approvers for this level
One or more Approvers can be defined for a level. First Approver matching the conditions defined in Approver is used to select the users who will approve/deny the request. Approver also defines if all users need to approve or approval by any one of them is sufficient.
Add one or more Approver definition by clicking "+ New Approver(s)" button
Note:- Clicking on this button will save the Approval Level Settings.

Click on "+ New Approver(s)" to open below page


General Settings
"Title" Textbox is used to provide title for Approver settings.
"Type" radio buttons are used to select type of Approver settings.
"Select Mail Template" dropdown is used to select approver mail template.

Approver Conditions
If below conditions are met, item undergoes approver define at this level.

Select approvers for this level. You can select site users, users in list column, users in lookup list column or users in any other list column in the site.
"Site Users" list box is used to select user from site.
"Users in list column" list box is used to select users in list column.
"Users in lookup list column" list box is used to select users in lookup list column.
"Users in other list column" list box is used to select users from other list in the site by selecting list column and entering item id.
"Save" button is used to save current approver settings.