Configuring Email Sync

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Configuring Email Sync

Configuring Email to List Item Sync


Note: It will take up to 20 minutes before the setting will kick in and start creating items in your SharePoint list.


Email Sync app


Creating and Defining Email To List Item:

Click "New Setting" to create an Email-to-List configuration.

Email sync setting 1
Email sync settings 2


Sample Settings:

 Sample email sync Settings 1

 Sample Email Settings 2


Select List

Select the list where the Emails converted to List Items will be stored.

Select list


Field Mapping
This Section is used to map Email Fields to SharePoint Columns.

Field mapping


From - Map the “From” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. The selected column must be a Person or Group column.

Subject - Map the “Subject” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. The selected column must be a Single Line Text column.

Body - Map the “Body” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. The selected column must be a Multi Line Text column.

Body (plain text) - Map all plain text from "Body" field of the email to a SharePoint Column. The selected column must be a Multi Line Text column.

Importance - (Optional) Map the “Importance” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. If selected, the column must be a Choice column with High, Normal, and Low as Choices.

Recipients (To) - (Optional) Map the “Recipients (To)” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. If selected, the column must be a Person or Group column.

Recipients (CC)  - (Optional) Map the “Recipients (CC)” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. If selected, the column must be a Person or Group column.

Received Date - Map the “Received Date” field of the Email to a SharePoint Column. The selected column must be a Date and Time column.

Copy Attachments - Yes/No checkbox. If checked, attachments will be copied to the SharePoint list item.

Save Original E-mail - Yes/No checkbox. If checked, attach email content as .eml file in the list item.

Email Header and Email Body Parsing

With these settings, you can use Regular Expressions to map various values to different columns in your form.

Email header and rmail body parsing


Connection Settings for the Microsoft Exchange Server


 You can use either Microsoft Graph API or Exchange Server Mailbox Credentials to enable the connection settings for the Email and Text Sync App. For either option, you will also need to click "Grant Permissions"  to grant the required permissions to the Email and Text Sync App.


Exchange Server Mailbox Credentials - The credentials need to be provided to access the Exchange or Office 365 mailbox to get emails for conversion to SharePoint list items. (When you enable Exchange Server Mailbox Credentials you will get the options to enter the credentials). Click "Text Connection" and if the connection is valid you will get a green success message saying "Successful connection."

Microsoft Graph API Access - With this setting enabled, enter the email address of the user account and click "Test Connection". If the connection is valid, you will get a green success message saying "Successful connection."

         Connection settings


 Mail Folder: select folder for Email Sync. Either select 'Inbox' or select one of top level folder for email sync.


Email Filter Settings (Optional)

This Section provides flexibility to Filter Emails by applying conditions. Only the Filtered Emails will be converted into List Items.


         Email filter settings

Subject filters


Does not Contains

Starts with

Does not Start with


From Addresses filters



Domain filters



Sent To (Alias) filters

Does not contain
Starts with
Does not start with

The radio button options determine when the filters will be applied.

Radio button option

Sync NITRO Apps Emails: Process emails sent by NITRO applications such as Workflows, Custom Actions and Email Manager etc. It is recommended to keep this option disabled to avoid infinite email loops.

Sync NITROm Apps email