Advanced Lookup

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Advanced Lookup


NOTE: Advanced Lookup is included in the NITRO Forms Designer (in Advanced Lookup section). This separate Advanced Lookup app is for use on a list that is not using NITRO Forms. This app also includes Cross-site lookup functionality.

The Advanced Lookup app has two components that enhance and extend SharePoint lookups: Advanced Lookup and Cross Site Lookup.


The Advanced Lookup component enhances standard SharePoint lookup columns by allowing a text search on the lookup. This is useful when you have a long list of values to scroll through. It also allows mapping of additional column values from the selected lookup list item, so that data values from the selected lookup list item are copied over to the main list item.


The Cross Site Lookup component allows you to create a new column on an existing list that gets populated by a lookup value from another site. Once configured, these lookups appear in standard Sharepoint forms.


Key Features

Supports configuration on any standard single selection lookup columns and Crow Canyon Cascaded Lookup columns. Since copying of column values from lookup list item can only be done for a single item, this add-in is not enabled for multi-lookup columns

Copies column values from lookup list item to main list item

Search list items in lookup list

Populate a lookup value value from a list in another site


Accessing Advanced Lookup

Advanced Lookup can be accessed from the NITRO Studio App Page or from List Settings when in a list.

See Accessing the Apps for more details.



Example of Advanced Lookup

Configuring Advanced Lookup

Configuring Cross Site Lookup


Example of Usage (see also Example of Advanced Lookup)

Let's say there are two lists -- ‘Employee Details’ and ‘Project Details’. The Project Details list has a Lookup column (named 'Employee") that gets information from the Employee Details list. After  ‘Employee’ is configured as Advanced Lookup, we can get the 'Employee' data from an Employee Details item and auto-populate in Project Details item. Also, user can search the Employee Details list to select an Employee.

Column Mappings

Before Employee column selection




After Employee is selected, the other columns related to Employee get filled in automatically.





Click on Search icon next to Employee column




Search with any text and it displays matched items from ‘Employee Details’ list




To see list item before making a selection click on ‘View’ button



Selected list item opens




Make a selection and click ‘OK’

