User Info Filler

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User Info Filler


NOTE: User Info Filler is included in the NITRO Forms (in Auto-fill section). This separate User Info Filler app is for use on a list that is not using NITRO Forms.

Populate multiple fields on a list item based on the logged-in user or a selected user. User Info Filler sets which details of a user, such as Email, Phone Number, Department, etc., are auto-filled in  list item columns. This can be based on the current logged-in user or a user value entered in another column in the list.


Key Features

Fills details based on logged-in user

Fills details based on the value in any User column of the list

Fill data based on user information in the SharePoint User Profile.

User information can be read from a custom list instead of SharePoint User Profile


Accessing User Info Filler

User Info Filler can be accessed from the NITRO Studio App Page or List Settings when in a list.

See Accessing the Apps for more details.



Configuring User Info Filler


Example of Usage

Let's say that in a list there is a person/group column called ‘Requester’ with related fields such as ‘Requester Email’, ‘Requester Department’ and ‘Requester Phone’. Without the User Info Filler, whenever a person is creating or updating an item, he or she needs to specify all the requester details. But with the User Info Filler configured, all ‘Requester’ details are automatically filled in based on the logged-In user or user specified manually in ‘Requester’ field.

New Form without using Crow Canyon User Info Filler:


List New Form using Crow Canyon User Info Filler:

Auto-fills Requester-related fields with logged-in user information
