Accessing the Apps

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Accessing the Apps


NITRO Studio Apps can be accessed in the following ways:





All apps can be opened from the NITRO Studio app page.  See Manage a Site for related info.


NITRO Studio image 1

NITRO Studio Image 2




When list-related apps are opened from NITRO Studio, users will first be prompted to choose a list, as in the example below. If these apps are opened from the List Ribbon (#2 below) or List Settings (#3 below), the list is known and users will be taken directly to the app.


configure NITRO Form for a list



2) From the LIST RIBBON


The NITRO Forms, Email Manager, Custom Actions, Print Manager, and NITRO Workflows apps can be opened from the classic and modern list ribbon. These NITRO apps are highlighted in yellow below ("Print" will run the print operation; "Print Settings" will open the Print Manager app for configuration). These apps will not prompt to choose a list if opened from the Ribbon, since the list is known.


Classic list ribbon:


Classic list ribbon



Note: In the Items ribbon, "Print" and "Crow Canyon Email" show up (in yellow below), along any custom actions that have been configured (in purple below) . However, these buttons run the app; they do not open it for configuration.


Classic List Item:


Item tab in classis list


Modern list ribbon:


Modern list apps


Modern List Item: In modern list, click on item to open it and in item ribbon, "Print" and "Crow Canyon Email" show up (in yellow below), along any custom actions        that have been configured (in purple below) .


Modern List item





Many of the apps can be opened from List Settings in classic lists and Modern lists. The list-related apps will not prompt to choose a list if opened from List Settings, since the list is known.

In Classic Lists: List Settings will be available in 'List' ribbon


List settings in classic list


In Modern Lists: To open List Settings

     Click settings in upper right corner -> click List settings in drop down


 Modern list setting navigation


 below shown apps can be opened from list settings


 Apps that can be opened fron list settings





Several apps can be opened from Site Settings:


Site settings



5) From a Quick Launch or Top Navigation Link


NITRO Reports are usually configured with the Report Center component on a Workspace page. This page would have a URL and therefore a Quick Launch or Top Navigation link can be added to give direct access to it.



 Top Navigation link