Editing the Tiles Web Part

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Editing the Tiles Web Part

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After the Crow Canyon Tiles web part is added to a page, it can be edited when the page is in edit mode. Go to the down arrow at the right end of the web part's title bar. Choose Edit Web Part to bring up the Edit Web Part dialog box.




Edit Web Part dialog box -- these settings apply to all the tiles



Tiles List Name -- the name of the list where the tiles data is pulled from (explained in the Using the Tiles List section).

Tiles Grid Columns Count -- how many tiles are in a row.

Tiles cell width -- how wide each tile is.

Tiles cell height -- how high each tile is.

Header Text Font Size -- size of the font in the header of the tile.

Body Text Font Size -- size of the font in the main body of the tile.

Row spacing -- the spacing between the rows of tiles (if more than one row).

Cell spacing -- the spacing between the tiles.

Border Top Width -- width of the top border line

Border Left Width -- width of the left border line

Border Bottom Width -- width of the bottom border line

Border Right Width -- width of the right border line

Border Color -- the color of the border line

Border Style -- the border around the tile can be solid, dotted, dashed, or none (no border)

Header Font Boldness -- how light or bold the header text on the tile is

Body Font Boldness -- how light or bold the body text on the tile is